Resume Suggestions

When you're ready to work with us, please send a Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF version of your resume to or to one of our Partner Managers.

But first, we have a few suggestions to make your resume stand out. We've also created a couple sample resumes you can model yours after - a technical sample resume and a non-technical sample resume.

Resumes should have the following 4 components:

1. Summary

A few sentences that generally describe the work you do including the platforms you work on, the roles you play, and the years of experience you have. The summary should not contain clichés or throwaway phrases.

2. Professional Skills / Highlights

This could either be a table summarizing your skills (years of experience and proficiency level), or provide some highlights of the work you do. This information is placed right at the top, giving hiring managers an immediate snapshot of your abilities.

3. Work Experience

A history of work experiences in chronological order including:

  • A heading with the company name, your functional roles, and the dates worked.
  • A sub-heading briefly describing specific technologies used.
  • A sentence or two summarizing the work experience plus the top four project highlights/achievements.

4. Education

Your related educational and training experience. Exclude information that is not pertinent.

Tips & Tricks

  • A resume is a marketing document, first and foremost. Sometimes it's the one and only opportunity to grab someone's attention.
  • A resume should look professional and interesting. It should use a single font, limited bolding (headings only), but still have some design sensibility. Resumes should not be bland, nor should they be overly busy.
  • A resume is a "snapshot" of who you are and what skills and experience you have to offer. It should not tell your life story, but invite the reader to want to learn more. A resume should provide just enough detail to create interest and get you an interview.

Note: If you have used our on-line "Resume Builder" in the past and need a copy of your work, you can email us at to receive an archived copy.