Our values and compensation model set us apart.

Full Disclosure

You'll know exactly what the client is paying and what you'll be paid. We fully disclose consultant bill rates.

No Non-Compete

You have the freedom to work where you want. We do not have restrictive employment agreements.

Personalized Benefits

You choose the benefit options that meet your specific needs. We offer medical, dental, and vision insurance options; 401k; PTO; Training.

Our Process

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Let’s Connect

Let’s start the conversation!

We look forward to talking with you about your career goals and introducing you to the Murphy & Associates model.

Sign up today to get started with us.

Interested in becoming a Consultant for Murphy & Associates?

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Full Disclosure

Murphy & Associates is a full disclosure firm, which means you always know how much we bill for your time. Starting with our first meeting and continuing on with each pay stub, we share with you where every penny goes – total billings, your compensation, our margins, and taxes.

Full disclosure firms are not common, but we believe it’s the fairest and smartest way to do business. Full disclosure builds trust between you and Murphy & Associates; trust helps create a long-term relationship, which profits you and us.

Learn more about our process

No Non-Compete

Too often we hear about non-compete clauses embedded within consulting employment agreements that place time restrictions or financial burdens on employees that choose to seek positions with other firms in the same industry.

Murphy & Associates will never ask you to sign a non-compete agreement. We believe that consultants are partners in our business and restricting work options doesn't serve the partnership. We want you to stay with us because you like working with us – not because of a contractual obligation.

Learn more about our process

Personalized Benefits

Murphy & Associates has created a benefits program with choice and flexibility in mind. We know that one size does not fit all when it comes to benefits.

For your Health

Murphy & Associates is committed to offering a comprehensive and flexible program to meet the insurance needs of our employees and their families. We offer multiple medical plans at various price points, voluntary dental and vision coverage, and access to a health advocacy and care team.

Saving for the Future

All Murphy & Associates employees have the option to participate in our 401(k) program on a pre-tax basis. Our plan is administered through Vanguard offering a core menu of several mutual funds.


Flexibility and choice is the focus our PTO (paid time off) program. Some clients and the state of Washington set a minimum bar on days per year, but our employees decide on how their PTO funds accrue and are distributed. In our program, there's never a risk of use it or lose it; your PTO funds are yours, no matter what.

Company Events

Murphy & Associates hosts several events each year that have included happy hour networking opportunities, family picnics, Mariners game & BBQ, river rafting, and golf tournaments. One of our most anticipated and well-attended events is our annual holiday party for our employees and their partners. It's an evening to celebrate the contributions and successes of the past year with food, drink and entertainment.

Continuing Education & Training

Murphy & Associates provides a Training Program that is available to you each year and we encourage you to participate.  Our program allows you to participate in the training of your choice by matching your training expenses up to $100 per year. If employees take formal education courses or seek out certifications that are applicable to employment, we also offer the option to run education expenses through payroll on a pre-tax basis.

Learn more about our process

Open Requirements

We are fortunate to partner with a wide variety of businesses in the Puget Sound area. We receive a stream of potential positions in several different industries (e.g. aerospace, technology, healthcare, retail and utilities). The job opportunities listed below represent a small sample of the positions that we are currently working on filling. Please contact us if you believe you are qualified.

To find out more, contact us at